Published March 11, 2022
Cabot clothbound cheddar
Cheese of the month: March
Cabot Clothbound cheddar Fellow B-Corp Cabot Creamery makes this English-inspired cloth-wrapped cheddar in Vermont. The flavor is deeply savory and slightly tangy, with a caramel sweetness. crumbly texture, and nutty aroma.
Cabot Clothbound cheddar Fellow B-Corp Cabot Creamery makes this English-inspired cloth-wrapped cheddar in Vermont. The flavor is deeply savory and slightly tangy, with a caramel sweetness. crumbly texture, and nutty aroma.
Good to know:
- Bandaging, or wrapping, hard cheeses encourages proper rind formation and flavor and texture development.
- The cheese ages in a deep dark cave where it is tended to often.
- "Best in Show" at the American Cheese Society Awards.
Serving ideas: Charcuterie, apples, honey
Pour a glass of: Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, hard cider, hoppy beer
Milk source: Cow's milk Origin: Vermont, USRind: NaturalTexture: Hard, crumblyAging: 8-16 months